Pay outs

What Are Pay-outs?

Pay-outs are a critical aspect of in-game ecosystems, enabling players to withdraw earned rewards, convert virtual assets to real-world value, or redeem digital goods.
At 3thix, we revolutionize pay-outs by ensuring fast, secure, and transparent transactions through our Web3-enabled platform. Whether it’s compensating players for achievements or enabling seamless cross-platform transfers, our solution builds trust and drives engagement.

Why Choose us for Pay-ins?

How Pay-outs Empower Your Gaming Ecosystem

  • Players need to buy your token NOW in order to play, not wait 3 days.
  • Grow your economy to include non web3 players
  • No need to pay 10s of thousands of dollars for listings and liquidity
  • Design your games monetization models to resemble traditional games
  • 700 payment types in 200 regions 


Innovating Pay-Outs for
Every Gaming Model

From blockchain-based play-to-earn games to traditional in-game economies, our pay-out solutions cater to every genre and platform.
Developers using 3thix have reported increased player retention and trust through seamless pay-out processes.

Empowering Players Through Blockchain

With Web3 technology, our pay-out system ensures transparency and accountability. Smart contracts automate processes, eliminating disputes while guaranteeing instant,
secure transactions.
Players receive rewards in their preferred currency—whether it’s fiat, crypto, or in-game assets—delivering a truly global gaming experience.

Transform Your Pay-outs with 3thix

Ready to Enhance Your Gaming Ecosystem? Let us help you create a seamless, secure, and scalable payment system.

Contact Us



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