Empowering developers, advertisers, and gamers with ethical, transparent, and decentralized solutions.
We build a comprehensive payments, reseller, loyalty, digital wallet, and advertising platform that can be easily embedded into your game.
3thix combines cutting-edge blockchain technology with innovative gaming solutions to:
From payment processing to ads to exchange-less crypto purchases, we’ve got you covered. See how we can help your game today.solutions
Enhance player retention and create new revenue streams.
Whether you’re a developer, validator, advertiser, or gamer, you have a role to play in this transformative ecosystem.
The $ETX coin is the basis of our ecosystem allowing users to earn value from watching ads or completing activities. The coin can be spent on a variety of games in their marketplaces.
We cover the globe with our services.
From payment processing to ads to exchange-less crypto purchases, we’ve got you covered. See how we can help your game today.
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We offer plenty of ways to invest in the 3thix ecosystem.
Invest in a validator node for $ETX
Purchase additional $ETX
Latest investment news about 3thix